4 min read

Unlock Your True Desires

Have you ever found yourself unsure, stuck, on what you truly want in life? You're not alone. Figuring out what you want isn't just about setting goals— it's about gaining clarity and direction that guides every step you take.
Unlock Your True Desires

How to Figure Out What You Really Want in Life

Have you ever found yourself unsure, stuck, or just genuinely thought, "What do I even want out of life?"

You're not alone. Figuring out what you want isn't just about setting goals—

it's about gaining clarity and direction that guides every step you take.

This week let's dive into how you can discover what you truly desire, and why it's crucial for your personal growth. And since we do everything together, we're going to break this topic down into practical actionable items that can help us get UNSTUCK together.

Let's get into it...

>>>Start by Tuning Out the Noise

The world is full of opinions and expectations, and it's easy to confuse them with your own desires. Start by tuning out external influences.

Action Item:

  • Digital Detox: Set aside some time this week to unplug from social media and other distractions. Spend that time reflecting on your thoughts and feelings without external input. Remember that all of the answers to the hardest questions in life already living inside of you. You just need to clear the road from distractions in order to access the street those answers live on.

>>>Uncover Limiting Beliefs

Over time, we all absorb limiting beliefs from society and other people around us. Our views of success, happiness, and purpose get skewed by these beliefs.

Action Item:

  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Take note throughout your day when negative thoughts arise. Understand that all negative thoughts stem from distorted core beliefs. If you find yourself wondering, "Why would someone like me deserve to be as successful as other people?" immediately challenge that belief. Prompt yourself with an alternative question such as, "Why can't I be just as successful as other people?"

>>>Reflect on Your Values

Your values are the core principles that guide your decisions. When you align your goals with your values, you start to live a fulfilling life that is truly reflective of what you value most in life.

Action Item:

  • Values Exercise: Take 15 minutes to list your top 5 values. Try taking a look at a simple list of values, and identify which ones resonate with you. Which ones feel expansive in your body when you read them? For the next week, try to make every decision through the lens of that value. If one of your values is respect, then before making a big decision, ask yourself: "Will this decision make me feel more respectful of myself and others, or less?"

>>>Visualize Your Ideal Life

Visualization is a powerful tool. It helps you see the bigger picture and connects you with your deepest desires. So often we get disconnected from the practice of dreaming because the world jades us. I cannot stress the importance of intentionally dreaming about your ideal life as frequently as possible.

Action Item:

  • Visualization Exercise: Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and visualize your ideal life. Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with? Write down what you see.

>>>Start Small and Experiment

You don't have to figure everything out at once. Start with small steps, trying out different paths to see what resonates with you. When we get stuck in life, the best way to start getting out of it is by accruing small wins. We need to build momentum in order to get UNSTUCK.

Action Item:

  • Micro-Goals: Set one small, achievable goal this week that aligns with what you visualized. Make this as small as you can possibly imagine. Maybe it's "I'm going to eat one healthy meal this week" or maybe it's "I'm going to read 5 pages of a new book this week". Once you start accruing some small wins, think about turning that momentum into further action by setting a small goal. This could be anything from finishing a new book on a topic you're curious about to taking a class or trying a new hobby.
Remember, the journey to discovering what you want is ongoing. The more you explore and reflect, the clearer your path becomes. Think about life as a river – it's always changing, and always flowing. Our desires and what we want are the same way. It's just our job to find the current and enjoy the ride.

Wishing you clarity and purpose always,
Ethan Grant

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